© 2024 Ferdi Stutterheim

Home > Contact Form

Contact the Site Administrator

The Mail Form

This form is only for contacting the Site Administrator of the website. Other organisations or companies that are mentioned on the website cannot be reached this way. We no longer publish our e-mail addresses on the website. Please use this mail form for initial contact with the Site Adminstrator.

The mail script checks the required fields for content and performs a check on the syntax of your e-mail address and the URL of your website. Please note that “Your Website” is not a required field but only a full URL, including http(s)://, will be transmitted. The script may inform you of any faults. When all is well, you will see a confirmation page after clicking the “send” button. A copy of your message will be sent to the e-mail address you have entered into the form.

I do not use reCaptcha so there is no need for you to click on 15 fields showing cameras of a certain brand, traffic lights or pedestrian crossings and after you have managed all that, another 10 may show up to be dealt with, etc. To discourage robots sending automated messages to my mail box there is a simple question to be answered. That appears to be amazingly effective and I hope it is not too much of a burden. Begin the requested answer with a capital, please. Of course you may try any wrong answer just for fun.

Privacy ‘Policy’

Well, I need to have some kind of Privacy Policy. When using the mail form or my e-mail address to contact me, you will not be surprised to learn that your e-mail address and the data that are entered in the message are going to be stored in the mail server(s) of my service provider and on the devices that I use to access the mail. Just in case: they are! I shall only use them to contact you. They will be deleted within 2 years after latest contact. The (mail) servers are located in the European Union.

2.8 FX
Camera name shield.

Names of required fields are printed in boldface.

Not required but only a full URL (http://.......) will be transmitted.